nomadic artist-in-residence

Nomad artist-in-residence program focuses on the notion of hospitality and the social relations between "host" and "guest" para-siting the infrastructure of other institutions.
Olia Sosnovskaya
november 2018
Olia Sosnovskaya (born 1988 in Minsk, Belarus) is an artist, researcher and writer based in Vienna. Graduated from the MA in Visual and Cultural Studies at European Humanities University (Vilnius, Lithuania) and joint MA Choreomundus in Dance Practice, Knowledge and Heritage. Currently a PhD in Practice candidate at the University of Fine Arts Vienna. She works with text, performative and visual practices, exploring the problematics of festivity, collectivity and affect; body, dance, gender and postcolonial studies; contemporary modes of work and leisure and their intersection. Member of the artistic-research group Problem Collective and co-founder of the WORK HARD! PLAY HARD! collective platform